...however, the nascent computerized braking technology was disabled the day of the crash.
Uber announced they would replace their Ford Fusion-based self-driving fleet with cars based on the Volvo XC90 in August 2016; the XC90s sold to Uber would be prepared to receive Uber's vehicle control hardware and software, but would not include any of Volvo's own advanced driver-assistance systems.
【 在 tsa300 的大作中提到: 】
: 2018年3月18号,Elaine Herzberg 在穿过人行横道时被 uber 的 xc90 测试车撞死
: NSTB (National Transportation Safety Board) 调查了这个案子,发现当时时速 69公里的 XC90 在撞击前6秒亦即115米远时第一次发现了死者, 此后的 4 秒内 XC90 未采取任何措施避免碰撞,等到它开始制动时已无可能避免悲剧发生。
FROM 61.48.40.*