2018年iihs的测试,车型是model s, model 3, BMW 5 series, Mercedes E class, Volvo S90。
结论是model 3最好,model s差于3(硬件过时)。E和S90差不多,好于5系。
But the Model 3 was also the only car to stay centered in its lane in every active lane-keeping test for curves. The Model S overcorrected on one curve, causing it to cross the inside line in one turn. The E-Class and S90 both stayed within the lane in nine of 17 runs, while the 5 Series could only keep itself in a lane in three of 16 runs.
【 在 factisdark 的大作中提到: 】
: 自动车道保持/拐小弯。这俩,基本所有车都能做到。
: 就是车主都说BBA比沃尔沃好用。
: 丰田比本田现代的平顺。
: ...................
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