I am in Canada and VW Atlas is everywhere now. Selling is strong. Great 7-seater with excellent 3rd-row legroom. At a similar price level, there are Honda Pilot, Toyota Highlander, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Ford Explorer. None has the same 3rd-row legroom and some of these models are considerably more expensive (but better from other perspectives).
I don't believe Atlas is designed for the Chinese market. I'd rather believe it is a model designed for North American markets. VW had a terrible reputation here and it really needs to expand the NA market. Atlas has helped that.
On the other side, Atlas is really thirsty on gas and it has such a small gas tank. Need frequent trips to the gas stations.
--- From a VW Atlas owner
【 在 aoliao 的大作中提到: 】
: 途昂比市面上主流mpv都更大,五米长,两米宽,视野盲区巨大,还不如mpv好开
: 说白了就是国人的观念面子,觉得开mpv不如suv有面,宁可让家人蜷缩挤压
: 我曾经在莫干山度假山庄看到过一个油腻男开了个沪牌凯迪拉克xt4带一家人出来度假,夫妻俩坐前排,让两个老人两个孩子共四个人挤在第二排,就这样几百公里出来度假。。。xt4的价位买辆奥德赛不香吗?就为了油腻男自己的面子就这么折腾家人老人孩子。。。
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FROM 35.231.202.*