就是电机的声音 低速下尤其烦躁 高速下某些电车也有这种击穿灵魂的声音
还是那句话 我知道有人无所谓
Dr. Pranab Saha, Principal Consultant, Kolano and Saha Engineers, Inc.: The EV model spins at high revolutions per minute (RPM), like 10,000 RPM plus. There is very little broadband noise, but mostly pure tone. So, as it moves to higher and higher RPM, that pure tone noise could be a high frequency noise as well, although it doesn't stay there all the time.
[The EV] has a simple gearbox system where the gear noise dominates. There is also a high-frequency inverter noise which could be somewhere in the range of 10,000 Hz. Therefore, the inverter noise is the most critical noise that you don't have at that high frequency in the IC engine.
【 在 wrsea (wrsea) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你说的滋滋声不是电机本身的声音。电机比发动机安静,震动小,这个还用争吗?
: 只是很多电车隔音差,路噪风噪太大,安静优势就体会不出来而已
: 但蔚来,包括bba的电车,就能体会出来确实安静
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FROM 73.63.245.*