In Washington State, it's against the law to drive continuously in the left lane. While it may not always seem like it, Washington state troopers do enforce this law. In 2015, police issued 14,000 citations for improper use of the left lane. The current penalty: $58.
【 在 overeal 的大作中提到: 】
: 1. 三条车道的高速,限速100,经常遇到内道几乎空着,偶尔有车以远超限速的速度超车,车都挤在中间车道按照100跟车,右侧车道大车跑90。甚至遇到几次,中间车道已经堵得快走不动了,也很少有人转到空着的内侧车道。
: 2. 城内限速30,城外限速50、70的地方也经常有超速的。有次在山区小路上压着限速50跑,从后视镜看到后面女司机生气得砸方向盘。
: 3. 岔道限速80
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FROM 50.47.133.*