Rule 268
Do not overtake on the left or move to a lane on your left to overtake. In congested conditions, where adjacent lanes of traffic are moving at similar speeds, traffic in left-hand lanes may sometimes be moving faster than traffic to the right. In these conditions you may keep up with the traffic in your lane even if this means passing traffic in the lane to your right. Do not weave in and out of lanes to overtake.
Rule 267
Do not overtake unless you are sure it is safe and legal to do so. Overtake only on the right.
如果左侧比右侧开得慢,左侧就不可能出现在右侧车向左变道的路径上,因此不会碰撞。发生了碰撞就是左侧开的比右侧快。但如果左侧比右侧开的快,就是overtake on the left,是违反交规的。
【 在 jellyfish 的大作中提到: 】
: 我也有英国驾照啊
: 你这几条没留意过 按照速度要求正常开 就是大货车要求卡速度开 不许超速
: 另外:你的驾驶不能干扰其他正常驾驶的车辆 全世界可能都这么要求吧
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FROM 58.210.42.*