CT :One of many Cru Thik tattoos AI has. On the left of his neck.
忠:It's in Chinese and means loyalty but I have also received
information that it means "The spirit within." On the right of his
拜佛的手:This tattoo has Ann written under the praying hands and AI's
grandmothers initials above them. On the left of his chest.
Only the strong survive:This probably means that Iverson had a tough
childhood and he is strong and has survived. On his left shoulder.
The Answer:AI's first tattoo. The bulldog is Georgetown's symbol and
The Answer is AI's nickname. On his left arm.
强壮(藏文):It's in Tibetan and means strength and power . . . On his
left arm.
Cru Thik Dynasty Raider:Another Cru Thik tattoo, Dynasty Raider is
how Allen and his friends called them while growing up. On his left
Fear No One:Iverson fears no one, this should be easily
understandable. On his right arm. Thanks to AI Domain for the pic.
NBN:Probably means Newport "Bad" News where AI grew up. On his left
Hold My Own:Self-explanatory. On his right shoulder.
士兵头像:Here's what AI says about it: "I feel throughout my life it
has been a battle, and I have survived many obstacles like a real
soldier." On his right arm.
Cru Thik:Cru Thik with shadow. Cru Thik is AI's record company and it
is also how he and his crew call themselves. On his right arm.
黑豹:Replacement of an old tattoo that had a grim reaper with a
basketball. I'm not sure what it means though. On his right arm.
Jewelz:This is the name AI took when he started doing rap music. On
his right arm.
VA's Finest:Means Virginias (AI grew up there) finest. On his right
Bad News:This tattoo is a reference to his hometown Newport News. The
symbol between the words means "belief" in Chinese. On his right arm.
Tiaura - Deuce:The names of AI's children: Tiaura is his daughter and
Deuce is his son. On the right of his chest.
East End:AI's latest tattoo refers to the place where he grew up. On
his left leg.
Cru Thik:Another Cru Thik tattoo on his right leg.
Tawanna:Tawanna of course is the name of Allen's wife. On the right
of his stomach. Thanks to Peachiekimmie for the pic.
Boogie:Boogie is a nickname for Rahsan Langford, AI's friend who was
killed. On the right of his neck.
Realist & Fam:Realist, probably Iverson considers himself a realist
and family is family. Not sure though. On his back.