【 在 ibm221 的大作中提到: 】
: 以每天10公里计算, 200天就是2000公里。
: 抓紧时间的话两年8000公里。
: 以古埃及人的智力水平,
: 当时没有国界部落,
: 沿着海岸河流并不是什么困难的东西。
: 下面文章是自然杂志(tg最推崇的权威)
: Abstract
: The serial founder model of modern human origins predicts that the phylogeny of ancestries exhibits bifurcating, tree-like behavior. Here, we tested this prediction using three methods designed to investigate gene flow in autosome-wide genotype data from 3,528 unrelated individuals from 163 global samples. Specifically, we investigated whether Cushitic ancestry has an East African or Middle Eastern origin. We found evidence for non-tree-like behavior in the form of four migration events. First, we found that Cushitic ancestry is a mixture of ancestries closely related to Arabian ancestry and Nilo-Saharan or Omotic ancestry. We found evidence for additional migration events in the histories of: 1) Indian and Arabian ancestries, 2) Kalash ancestry and 3) Native American and Northern European ancestries. These findings, based on analysis of ancestry of present-day humans, reveal migration in the distant past and provide new insights into human history.
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