One of Asaph’s songs of praise.
God stands in the assembly of the gods.[471]
He is the judge in that meeting of the gods. He says,
“How long will you judge people unfairly
and show special favors to the wicked?”
Selah[472] “Defend the poor and orphans.
Protect the rights of those poor people. Help those poor, helpless people.
Save them from evil people. “They[473] don’t know what is happening.
They don’t understand!
They don’t know what they are doing,
Their world is falling down around them!” I, God Most High, say,
“You are gods,[474] my own sons. But you will die
like all people must die.
You will die
like all other leaders.” Get up, God!
You be the judge!
You be the leader over all the nations!
[471] 82:1 assembly of the gods Other nations taught that El (God) and the other gods met together to decide what to do with the people on earth. But many times kings and leaders were also called “gods.” So this psalm may be God’s warning to the leaders of Israel.
[472] 82:2 Selah A word in psalms that was apparently for the singers or musicians, instructing them, perhaps, to pause or to get louder.
[473] 82:5 They This might mean the poor don’t understand what is happening. Or, it might mean that the “gods” don’t understand they are ruining the world by not being fair and by not doing what is right.
[474] 82:6 gods Or, “judges.”
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