迪庆随便发挥一下, 那里需要那么认真。
朝里有人早就在活动了, 这边就是敲敲背。
各国宗教分布都是有统计的, 你张嘴就来,
study conducted by Statistics Netherlands reveals the following numbers when it comes to religious identification in the Netherlands in 2019.
Only about 46% of Dutchies identify as religious. The majority of these is made up of Roman Catholics who represent 20.1% of the population. This is followed by Protestants, representing 14.8% — this number includes different branches of Protestantism, such as Dutch Reformed, the Protestant Church of the Netherlands, and Calvinism.
【 在 capablanca 的大作中提到: 】
: 之前没少说特朗普坏话,说他算不上基督徒。既然你一直主张联合梵蒂冈,那你给中央写信去吧,既然你跪久了,那就跪求去吧,看看荷兰、法德有啥反应。我的意思其实很简单,就是教宗对荷兰法德根本没有影响力,现在还信仰天主教的大多数都是一些落后的国家,抗疫特别差的国家,意大利墨西哥这种黑社会猖獗的国家。
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