标 题: 从《道德经》到《圣经》,兼谈如何通过中国古典哲学和西方有效沟通交流
1 《道德经》
中国古代哲学著作。 明朝起被传教士翻译介绍到西方。
在西方反响强烈。 有报道称销量前三,前二。最近几年甚至能排第一。
实际上这本书在西方宗教圈里得到了极大的共鸣。 有很大一部分是被基督教买去作为参考文献使用。
汉语圈近年有远志明等人重新发掘, 发现其与《圣经》间有相当类似的内容和思想体系。
典型观点有, 月亮水中倒影类比, 既道德经是对真理的一种非直接认识和表达模式, 其本质是对真理的追求。
1 某个基督徒描述了自己读到《道德经》的感受, 对个人属灵成长有巨大影响。
About six months ago, I discovered the Tao te Ching, an ancient book of Chinese wisdom and spirituality that has dramatically influenced my spiritual formation. This may come as shocking to some people, but rather than driving me away from a Christ-centered faith, this book has actually helped me hold onto it. If you’re feeling skeptical, please just keep reading a little bit. I promise I’m not a heretic.
https://spectrummagazine.org/arts-essays/2020/christian-reads-tao-te-ching-series-introduction1 宗教桥梁作用
The Tao of Christ is a Christian interpretation of the sixth century BC Chinese classic, the Tao Te Ching. It translates this ancient work into concepts and language recognizable to Christians, while maintaining the integrity of the ancient text.
The Tao of Christ bridges the gap between East and West. It sheds light on two great spiritual traditions. Those who love the Tao Te Ching will see Christianity in a new light. Christians who love Christ will see this ancient Chinese work as evidence of God’s wider revelation to all peoples.
The Tao of Christ: A Christian Version of the Tao Te Ching
Marshall Davis, Lao Tzu
2 道 与耶稣教导的统一性
So here’s the kicker – when we look to the person of Jesus (and His Divine form) we do not see the call to a religion (though the practice of said religion can be useful for what we are being called to) and we do not see the call to adhere to a predetermined list of beliefs. Rather than these things, we see the call to something much deeper – harmonization with the Tao and therefore the very intention for our humanity. We are called to be fully human; nothing more and nothing less. The language of sin then isn’t simply about breaking a predetermined set of moral rules, it’s about that which inhibits our intended life in the Tao/Logos and therefore creates conflict; establishing something other than the intended reality.
The ‘rules’ of Christianity and all the dos and don’ts it’s turned into are, at best, a derivative and a shadow of the Tao – where Christianity is too often reduced to a moral and ethical code to live by. Rather than this, Christianity is the rules stripped away and the spotlight put on the transformation God works in us to recreate us to our true state as part of the Tao or Logos – His intended order for the universe/creation. Our role is to simply open our lives up to that transformation and to walk ‘the way’. Christ as both God and the Tao/Logos is the gateway (“I am the way”) to us being a new creation shaped towards that intended reality – the reality that underpins the universe – Jesus.
Reverend Francis Ritchie30/09/2013
19. 神的事情,人所能知道的,原显明在人心里。因为神已经给他们显明。
20. 自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物,就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。
21. 因为他们虽然知道神,却不当作神荣耀他,也不感谢他。他们的思念变为虚妄,无知的心就昏暗了。
22. 自称为聪明,反成了愚拙,
23. 将不能朽坏之神的荣耀变为偶像,仿佛必朽坏的人,和飞禽走兽昆虫的样式。
19,20节清楚的说明了虽然没有直接启示, 人类依然可以籍着所造
后人把老子演变装扮成了太上老君, 并且陷入了偶像崇拜中不可自拔。
国内看西方的《圣经》如天方夜谭, 对里面的内容嗤之以鼻。
西方对于很多国内政策制度很难理解, 通常视为愚昧落后的制度。
新闻常以dictatorship, authoritative等负面词汇描写。
一个启发就是能否使之成为一座桥梁, 通过它可以沟通东西方貌似格格不入的文化传统认知, 从而为促进文化交流理解做出贡献。
2 为什么《道德经》比较研究在国内外冷热反差这么大
相比起国外看到道德经之后的激动和热情, 中国人看到《圣经》表现远没有那么兴奋。
究其原因, 圣经是一本相对来说结构复杂, 穿插有大量隐喻,故事的著作。 一般人很难短时间把握其内涵。
道德经则是一部很短的作品, 仅5000余字。 而且内容相对集中, 没有太多的体式。因此掌握了圣经要领的西方人可以短时间内把握道德经
3 从《道德经》到《圣经》的沟通模式
之前的方式往往是从自我的认知出发, 极力说成是传统美德,或是符合人民利益等等。很多情况下很难得到西方的认可。
第一步, 通过道德经找到合理的理论支撑。
第二步, 通过道德经与圣经里的对应关系找到圣经的理论支撑。
第三步, 综合圣经里的内容做出解释。
举例, 俄乌战争,
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