Pope Francis has once again confirmed his stance on marriage equality, which remains a staunch “no.”
Francis was asked during a Wednesday press briefing about his stance on same-sex unions and replied that the question had already been answered. “I have spoken clearly about this, no?” he said in comments reported by the Associated Press, adding: “Marriage is a sacrament. The church doesn’t have the power to change sacraments. It’s as our Lord established.”
Referring to civil unions, Francis said that laws that “try to help the situation” for LGBTQ+ people are important. He asserted, however, that legal recognition for same-sex couples should not impose “things that by nature do not function in the church.”
【 在 crabberzgz 的大作中提到: 】
: 这种价值观早就该丢到垃圾桶里面了,还有人奉为圭臬,真是落后啊。你们老大教宗方济各早就认可同性恋婚姻了,而且西方也有很多女的传教士。你不是号称会英文吗?睁开眼看看去。
FROM 192.102.205.*