斯坦福的Silvana Konermann (Assistant Prof @Stanford. HHMI Hanna Gray Fellow. CRISPR, RNA and Alzheimer’s via @salkinstitute and @MIT.说:
Just checked their results. The similarity is spurious. Out of 4 inserts they identify between NCov and SARS, 2 are found in bat coronavirus. Of the remaining two, only one is most similar to HIV, and is so short (6 AA) that the similarity is not higher than chance given database
The other novel insert between the bat coronavirus glycoprotein and NCoV is more similar to 13 viruses besides HIV and none of those similarities is higher than chance (given insert size/viral protein database size)
inserts HKNNKS and RSYLTPGDSSSG of NCoV glycoprotein compared to SARS are found in spike glycoprotein [Bat coronavirus] (Sequence ID: QHR63300.1). 100% identity.
题目是No, the 2019-nCoV genome doesn’t really seem engineered from HIV
@Davidrliu 说
The mere claim that such short inserts support nCoV origins "unlikely to be fortuitous in nature" [sic] is already highly suspect. This is a classic case of searching for lost keys only under a lamppost. A fearful world does not need to fuel conspiracy theories with bad analyses.
【 在 purplesoul 的大作中提到: 】
: 发信人: December (穆云白∷西边的山脉), 信区: NewExpress
: 标 题: 印度:新冠内发现hiv基因插入结构
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Feb 1 09:48:54 2020), 站内
: ...................
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