读后感《How to be happier》
无中介、无佣金 业主售房 2020-12-10
在事业和生活吃力的时候是要定期地读一读心理类书籍,疗愈一下自己。这是今年读的第二本这类书籍。书不是我买的,读它也有不浪费资源的原因。读后感觉很好,非常enlightening & guiding。
1.Cocktail of hormones,乃至免疫系统对人情绪及健康的作用是本书的逻辑主线。
A.“Stress hormones”
We learnt it hard way that “气伤肝,生气易得糖尿病、血液病和癌症”。本书对此给出来了令人信服的生理学解释。During stress, the body releases “stress hormones”, adrenaline,noradrenaline, cortisol and prolactin which suppress the immune system.Moreover, these stress hormones lead to higher level of glucose,cholesterol and fat in blood in order to provide energy for physical action.This is arranged by evolution of mankind through multi-million years. If nonphysical action is taken, plaque gets deposited on the walls of blood vessel.紧张、生气使得免疫力下降;生闷气,不动手,心血管疾病就会得上。因此,生气了就要去打仗,或者去运动。总生闷气,不运动,就容易得糖尿病和心血管疾病,这是我读此书的法现。
1)Empathize。仅仅是Show off your imperturbability, sense of humor and wisdom.
2)自己去打球,把stress hormones 导致的higher level of glucose, cholesterol and fat in blood 消耗掉。
B. “Happy chemicals”,
Pretend smiling and laughing are ways of reducing stress, boosting the immune system and increasing your “happy chemicals”.
Laughter is a stress buster. We do not laugh because we are happy, we are happy because we laugh.
Small children laugh around 40 times a day.
Laughter lowers the blood sugar.
1)健康的食物=carbohydrates(rice)+protein(egg)+fat(meat). 缺一不可,因为carbohydrates 增加glucose and insulin; protein increase glucose but decrease insulin,fat decreases both glucose and insulin. 吃肉最好,其次是吃蛋,主食要少吃。
2) High sugar consumption leads to immune system impaired. Sugar greatly decreases leukocyte’s capability of killing bacterium. 糖尿病人吃了过多的糖后,免疫系统几乎崩溃(血糖可以高达26),leukocyte杀死病菌的能力极为有限,故此,免疫系统放弃了leukocyte,采用崭新的东西杀死病菌,这个高效杀死病菌的新系统同时会大量杀死红细泡,这就导致溶血性贫血!
3) Happy food
Flax seed oil = fish
Brazil nuts
Chilli peppers
Carbohydrates (pasta,cereals, bread )
Vegetables.(increase folic acid)
Garlic (two clovesa day)
Wheat germ
Oyster (zinc)蚝油也可以。
Exercise literally generates the chemicals than make us feel happy.运动产生让我们快乐的endorphin (12分钟运动可以增长5倍),noradrenaline.
Exercise shuts down left brain(logic thinking)and set free right brain t owork (creative thinking).这就是为什么我们运动后常常对困扰自己的复杂问题常能奇迹般地找到答案。
Exercise is a powerful mood enhancer, at least as effective as antidepressants.
Being tactile
Stroking increases happy chemicals:dopamine and serotonin, The more touching, the more bonding.
To cuddle yourself, 抱着自己的肚子睡吧。
2. 催眠技术的应用
Controlling your mind through visualization and self-hypnosis.
Use positive sentence construction. “I will not be nervous” 同“I will be confident”相比,在逻辑上一样,但是在心理学上是不一样的。对于数学优秀的工科生,我们都往往更习惯反着说,这是要改正的!Always frame things in positive way!
Surname affects personality. Albert is better than Ted
Be in a trance
If you want to be happy, do not compare. So often we lose sight of the functions of the products we buy, we are obsessed with impressing other people. 年轻时候在东北养成的习惯虽然已经淡化许多,但的确已经深入骨髓,应该有意识地minimize。
To compare with people who are worse off,not better off. 阿Q就是心理大师呀!
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.享受和欣赏的能力是多么重要啊!新中国以来,长期都是以奉献和勤劳为美,以享乐为耻的呀。
Most of us focus too much on the negative,exaggerate the significance of anything that goes wrong. 作为一个外表一向乐观、进取的人,小心谨慎应该是自己告诫自己,没有必要把内部语言坦诚地向周围的人说出,因为他们都不会理解你的善良和坦诚,不会理解你会多么爱他们,只会认为你是不够supportive and positive。
Go afar, you are not indispensable. The problem comes when you start to worry and make yourself unhappy over something that really isn’t your responsibility. 尽责到不使自己不快乐,而不是无休止地尽责。这个观点我还是知道得太晚了。
Meditation: to feel in touch the universe and nothing else matters at all.
To meditate by starting with making exhalations longer than inhalations.
Defusing negative thoughts/persons by creating a distance between you and them.
Detaching from them。对于特别讨厌的人,就是要保持距离而不是频繁接触,无论他是谁。
A lot of suffering is self-afflicted. Do not be afraid of running away.
Semen contains mood-altering hormones which enters women’s body. 4 times a week is a benchmark.
Even when you are asleep at night your body is aware of noise, which brings higher levels of stress hormones in the blood, higher levels of glucose, insulin and cholesterol and gets your immune system weakened!晚上听着评书相声才能睡着觉,这是免疫系统崩溃的根源!是糖尿病的根源之一,是溶血性贫血的根源之一。
Hatred darkens life, love illumines it
To do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.这是做好事以及求回报的正确方式!
FROM 111.196.240.*