- 主题:关于小麦的品种的探讨
商妲己 产生了 水果 很甜
苏妲己 + 太阳 产生了 直立品种的小麦种子
为什么叫妲己 而不叫达己
是因为 妲字已包含太阳的热量
而且 有防虫害的功效
即 有麦芒 才叫妲己
My kitty tells me that it is from Princess Wencyheng Li who married with
Songzan Ganbu and his former wife named Zangnv then produced the new one
named QingKe belongs to you know those made from named bread.
And Princess VenCheng Li just is the one named Daji Li.
& It is permitted that quarrel and fighting inher but no hurt in heart because ...
修改:uq5 FROM 36.143.2.*
FROM 36.143.2.*
不懂就问 小麦最好养的季节是什么季节?冬天怎么养?
FROM 111.196.31.*
冬天润雪兆丰年 给小麦盖雪花被
【 在 jmykl999 的大作中提到: 】
: 不懂就问 小麦最好养的季节是什么季节?冬天怎么养?
FROM 183.197.141.*
【 在 uq5 的大作中提到: 】
: a
: 冬天润雪兆丰年 给小麦盖雪花被
: 小麦分为冬小麦和春小麦
: ...................
FROM 1.202.13.*