What animals can eat Lugrass?
So there will be enough materials for beans' growing maybe?
Materails one is Niu belongs to earth.
Materials two is in my opinion that hurt out of machine is from
those shit out of their own but to others with too more or much more
energy. So some animals like dogs is useful maybe.
But when or if can we be real friends? i don't know what happened with you,
my dear friends. I have ever been send to hospital of ……
and in my feeling something happened with you just like with me.
Maybe we just need calm down, not cruel …… IF you need maybe you are happy
about that because you are a man, really? My heart is little, so I don't
want any cruel love. Do you need? Maybe. I can imagine your happyness.
ok, never, but ever. I am the medicine of disease slower and longer and i am
the one ever be your what happend ever? Not cruel love but cold love.
He say do you love me ever? I say yes ever. So there is another story.
Maybe it is long and boring. Yes, who kills my grandfather? I play with the
Lock in the wall using my right hand when im about 4 years old. My grandfather
asked me do you want to eat? I can't remember what i looks like, but I said
in my heart with imagine of flower mouth no I do not want to eat maybe a little
weaker voice with no sound. That's the last almost last memory in my mind or in
my heart. No, I don't think I don't want anybody think more about me will you be
in the heaven? You called yourselves angels because of thus reason? Don't you
happy? Aren't you in happyness? I love you.
Do they gentle enough? or cruel enough ever?
I love you. To be your girl friend will not lead the highest happy.
I love you for your energy.
miss forever.
I love you in my heart.
Never touch in each other.
Forever is a quarter.
Or you leads no.
means you will die.
ever belongs to each other if a little jealous.
my mom says that as your friends said.
will be die.
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