Recent large‐scale European studies showed the lowest prevalence of H. pylori infection among adults in the Czech Republic, where still almost a third of the individuals was infected. Other large studies from this century showed much higher infection rates, up to 84% in Portugal and Poland. The fraction of infected individuals varies considerably according to region and time. In Europe, the infection rates were generally lower in Northern Europe and the highest infection rates could be found in Eastern and Southern Europe which are also the regions with the highest stomach cancer incidence rates in the European Union. However, due to the discrepancy between these high H. pylori prevalence and the stomach cancer incidence rates, factors other than H. pylori infection are also important.
【 在 qianyishi 的大作中提到: 】
: 同用一台饮水机没啥问题吧不共用一个喝水杯就行,同理不喝同一碗还是方便面的汤,上厕所的话便后洗手就没问题了。
: 乙肝高发一个是血液系统,一个是母婴,还有我认为很主要的其实就是国人聚餐的习惯,大家庭没有公勺公筷,不分餐。一起吃饭没事我理解是不一起经常吃饭那种没事
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