- 主题:借风聊聊npd-自恋型人格障碍
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Npd不同于普通自恋, 被认为是一种心理精神疾病。
普通的自恋也有自我为中心,夸大成就,逃避责任的时候。 这样的事情不会持久。会意识到什么时候不合适,努力自我修。 并认为从专业人士那里获得帮助并不丢人。
相比之下,NPD大部分时间都专注于自己。 他们总是害怕别人可能更有能力,有更高的地位,或者把控制权从他们手中夺走。 他们需要他人仰慕的黑洞永远不会被填满。 NPD 的人通常不同意他们有问题,或相信一段关系问题总是对方的错。
Have more realistic expectations of others.
FROM 173.211.245.*
【 在 Psychnp 的大作中提到: 】
: 借十大贴聊聊NPD,这可是热门词汇。特别是恋爱中的小姐姐爱用。恨不得把每个让女人伤心的渣男都打上NPD的标签
: Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a l
: ack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
: ...................
FROM 216.240.30.*
【 在 Psychnp 的大作中提到: 】
: 借十大贴聊聊NPD,这可是热门词汇。特别是恋爱中的小姐姐爱用。恨不得把每个让女人伤心的渣男都打上NPD的标签
: Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
: 关键词:膨胀的自我重要性,过度关注和仰慕的需求,对他人缺乏同理心。极度自信的面具背后,隐藏着脆弱的自尊。
: Npd不同于普通自恋, 被认为是一种心理精神疾病。
: 普通的自恋也有自我为中心,夸大成就,逃避责任的时候。 这样的事情不会持久。会意识到什么时候不合适,努力自我修。 并认为从专业人士那里获得帮助并不丢人。
: 相比之下,NPD大部分时间都专注于自己。 他们总是害怕别人可能更有能力,有更高的地位,或者把控制权从他们手中夺走。 他们需要他人仰慕的黑洞永远不会被填满。 NPD 的人通常不同意他们有问题,或相信一段关系问题总是对方的错。
: 有统计NPD发生率是5%,十大楼主是多么不走运能碰上两次。
: 至于治疗方法,除了吃药,发现有一条很有趣。
: Have more realistic expectations of others.
: --
发自「今日水木 on iPhone X」
FROM 223.104.148.*
【 在 Psychnp 的大作中提到: 】
: 借十大贴聊聊NPD,这可是热门词汇。特别是恋爱中的小姐姐爱用。恨不得把每个让女人伤心的渣男都打上NPD的标签
: Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
: ...................
FROM 223.104.4.*
【 在 Psychnp 的大作中提到: 】
: 借十大贴聊聊NPD,这可是热门词汇。特别是恋爱中的小姐姐爱用。恨不得把每个让女人伤心的渣男都打上NPD的标签
: Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
: ...................
FROM 111.181.8.*
FROM 59.252.254.*
FROM 59.252.254.*
get low
get low
get low
【 在 Psychnp 的大作中提到: 】
: 借十大贴聊聊NPD,这可是热门词汇。特别是恋爱中的小姐姐爱用。恨不得把每个让女人伤心的渣男都打上NPD的标签
: Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
: ...................
FROM 110.228.240.*
【 在 Aaron1 的大作中提到: 】
: 其实本版也有类似人物,哈哈
FROM 218.69.51.*
- 来自 水木社区APP v3.5.5
【 在 Aaron1 的大作中提到: 】
: 其实本版也有类似人物,哈哈
: --
FROM 114.254.2.*