Dear. Xxx,
Greetings from IESCMP2023!
On behalf of Meghaz Meetings, I would warmly welcome you to be an Keynote Speaker at International Experts Summit on Condensed Matter physics and Materials” (IESCMP2023) which will be held in Dubai, UAE, on October 12-14, 2023.
More Information PS: would like to provide a special offer for physical/virtual, so kindly utilize this offer will applicable on/before 26-April-2023.
For physical $499 instead of 795$
For virtual $299 instead of 795$, kindly find the below discount link and proceed with your registration.
Discount link: Kindly let me know your acceptance to be a speaker at our conference.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Conference Manager
Meghaz Meetings
E: iescmp2023(at)meghazmeetings(.)org
FROM 113.81.1.*