Use of Voir Dire
In the U.S., the voir dire process is used to choose jurors for a civil or criminal trial that are likely to be impartial and fair in their judgment. Questions are intended to weed out people who have strong opinions about the subject matter, who already have personal knowledge about the case, or who may have a bias for or against either party to the trial. Individuals who work in certain professions, such as law enforcement, are often dismissed, as they tend to have preconceived ideas about certain issues, especially in criminal matters.
不绝对,这个选择过程叫 Voir Dire,来自法语。
【 在 qtpr 的大作中提到: 】
: 不仅法律专业人士不能加入,受过严格逻辑和科学训练的技术专业人士(例如教授)也不能加入,只允许普通人加入。
: 这其中的道理是什么?仅仅是“以人的朴素良知做判断”这么简单?
FROM 117.136.38.*