Retrocausality is associated with the Double Inferential state-Vector Formalism (DIVF), later known as the two-state vector formalism (TSVF) in quantum mechanics, where the present is characterised by quantum states of the past and the future taken in combination.[17][18] (。双状态向量形式化和标准量子力学形式化在实证层面是等价的,你没办法通过实证在两者中做甄别,至少在目前看来是这样。但是,双向量形式化的后选择和逆因果链可以给系统赋予更多的确定性。例如,引入后选择可以使得不兼容的量子物理量能够同时确定(How the Result of a Measurement of a Component of the Spin of a Particle Can Turn Out to be 100, PRL1988)。在我看来,这意味着至少从信息和认知的层次上说,未来的“因”影响了过去的“果”。
另外,你看看,“Our experiment confirms Bohr’s view that it does not make sense to ascribe the wave or particle behaviour to a massive particle before the measurement takes place."
【 在 Myarmor 的大作中提到: 】
: “逆时间因果”这个理解是有问题的。
: 惠勒延迟选择实验不应该这样理解。
: 相关的问题虽然诺奖得主leggett从80年代就开始在折腾,
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