- 主题:Characteristics of Cantonese
Characteristics of Cantonese:
【1】 Low profile
【2】 Prefer to wear vests, short pants, and slippers
【3】 Willing to spend money on delicious food
【4】 Skilled in doing business
【5】 Not eating peppers
【6】 Practical
【7】 Drink herbal tea frequently
FROM 40.73.95.*
where is soup?
【 在 beyondfan 的大作中提到: 】
: Characteristics of Cantonese:
: 【1】 Low profile
: 【2】 Prefer to wear vests, short pants, and slippers
FROM 223.104.237.*
Keen on drinking soup is within the item 3.
【 在 ingeno 的大作中提到: 】
: where is soup?
: #发自zSMTH-v-@EVR-AL00
FROM 40.73.95.*
those foreigners know nothing about
Chinese Cuisine
【 在 beyondfan 的大作中提到: 】
: Keen on drinking soup is within the item 3.
: 【 在 ingeno 的大作中提到: 】
: : where is soup?
: :
FROM 223.104.237.*