昨天公司网络有故障,修好后,我起草邮件,line manager审批通过,然后发全公司。通知邮件如图。邮件的sender用的是部门邮箱,就是代表整个部门,别人看不出来具体是谁发的。
It’s ok to be polite, but we should not exaggerate “We are also very sorry for causing you so much trouble regarding this issue.” or “We cannot think of how difficult it would be without you on our side” goes too far for professional communication. We can just simplify “We are sorry for the inconvenience caused” and “Thank you for your patience and support”
我的line manager马上把我供出来,说是我写的。跟他没关系。
我操,line manager甩锅能力一流。啥事都跟他没关系。
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