No, quantum physics does not disprove causality.
On the contrary, our best working quantum theory to date, quantum field theory, quite properly respects causality both on the macroscopic and on the microscopic level. Acausal (faster-than-light, backwards-in-time) influences are explicitly and precisely canceled out in the theory. This, in fact, is one of the major motivations behind quantum field theory.
Some confusion arises because of misunderstandings surrounding the obvious nonlocality of the quantum theory, in particular the nonlocality of quantum entanglement. Therefore, it is important to reiterate that although entanglement may be counterintuitive, “spooky” even, it does not imply the transmission of information, the transmission of energy or momentum or other influences. It is simply a nonlocal manifestation of conservation laws, but no acausal signaling is involved.
假设我有两枚硬币,一分钱和一角钱。我把其中一枚硬币放进了你的口袋,另一枚放进了你朋友鲍勃的口袋,没有告诉你们哪一枚硬币进了哪个口袋。鲍勃立即登上飞机,飞到 1000 英里外的某个地方。他一落地,就从口袋里掏出硬币,发现自己拿到了硬币。他马上就知道你有钱了,即使你们两个相隔 1000 英里,而且从练习开始就没有交流过。
【 在 Barbarossa 的大作中提到: 】
: 太对了,这个单词是核心,很多人,包括talker2020都割裂它来思考。
FROM 75.181.42.*