首先大家对因果律的理解就有很多版本,这是其中一个网站专门为 物理研究者,学生的学术问答网站写的
Determinism: for a given experimental set up, every experiment will yield the same results. QM are not deterministic, if you measure a superposition of states, you could get one or the other, with certain probability, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Causality: causes happen before its effects. QM is causal, because if you have a system in superposition and do a measurement on it, you destroy the decoherence and make it collapse. But this happens as you measure, not before. You cannot change the outcome of the experiment you did yesterday.
确定论:对于给定的实验设置,每个实验都会产生相同的结果。 量子力学是 不是确定性的,如果你测量状态的叠加,你可以得到一个或另一个,有一定的概率,你无能为力。
因果关系:原因发生在其结果之前。量子力学 是因果的,因为如果你有一个叠加系统并对其进行测量,你会破坏退相干并使其崩溃。但这发生在您测量时,而不是之前。你不能改变你昨天做的实验的结果。
这是google scholar的文章,随便看了几篇都是有正有反的。
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