【 在 twoeyes (小荷才露尖尖角) 的大作中提到: 】
: 昨晚,我拿了衣服准备洗澡,老大追过来,“妈妈,我给你微信发了一段话,你快看看,看你能懂不?”
: "嘿,也太小瞧我了吧!"我放下衣服,“看看就看看,还有我不懂的?!”
: 让我意外的竟然是一段英文:
: A long time ago, people decided to use a race to determine the animals of the twelve zodiac animals. The mouse got up first, but the cow got up as early as him. So he pretended to be uncomfortable and let the cow carry it.When the cow was about to reach the finish line, he jumped to the front. The mouse got the first cow and the second.
FROM 120.245.2.*