The primary data supporting this EUA for Paxlovid are from EPIC-HR, a random
ized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial studying Paxlovid for
the treatment of non-hospitalized symptomatic adults with a laboratory confi
rmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Patients were adults 18 years of age
and older with a prespecified risk factor for progression to severe disease
or were 60 years and older regardless of prespecified chronic medical condi
tions. All patients had not received a COVID-19 vaccine and had not been pre
viously infected with COVID-19. The main outcome measured in the trial was t
he proportion of people who were hospitalized due to COVID-19 or died due to
any cause during 28 days of follow-up. Paxlovid significantly reduced the p
roportion of people with COVID-19 related hospitalization or death from any
cause by 88% compared to placebo among patients treated within five days of
symptom onset and who did not receive COVID-19 therapeutic monoclonal antibo
dy treatment. In this analysis, 1,039 patients had received Paxlovid, and 1,
046 patients had received placebo and among these patients, 0.8% who receive
d Paxlovid were hospitalized or died during 28 days of follow-up compared to
6% of the patients who received placebo. The safety and effectiveness of Pa
xlovid for the treatment of COVID-19 continue to be evaluated.
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