- 主题:[转载]Linus Torvalds 称 C++ 是一种很烂的语言
【 在 bpxflew () 的大作中提到: 】
: 大神的话和他的代码一样犀利。
: cpp过度设计了,企图大而全,实际杂而乱,看看标准教材的厚度就知道了。妈的还要再往里加东西 。。。。。。
: 【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
FROM 124.217.188.*
【 在 fanci 的大作中提到: 】
: 很难说是过度设计还是设计不足……
: 像C这么精巧而恰当的设计很难得。
: ...................
FROM 106.121.136.*
too old, 还以为是上个世纪的帖子
【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: "LOL," was his response. "C++ solves \_none\_ of the C issues, and only makes things worse. It really is a crap language.
: "For people who
: ..................
发自「今日水木 on iOS」
FROM 123.125.37.*
【 在 bpxflew 的大作中提到: 】
: 大神的话和他的代码一样犀利。
: cpp过度设计了,企图大而全,实际杂而乱,看看标准教材的厚度就知道了。妈的还要再往里加东西 。。。。。。
FROM 158.140.1.*
【 在 allegro 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一直在等待有一位救世主的出现,会提出一套新的,简洁的,优美的模型,代替并拯救现在臃肿的C++。
: 现在的C++在我心中的形象就是“要你命3000”。
: .
FROM 221.218.161.*
【 在 allegro 的大作中提到: 】
: 我一直在等待有一位救世主的出现,会提出一套新的,简洁的,优美的模型,代替并拯救现在臃肿的C++。
: 现在的C++在我心中的形象就是“要你命3000”。
: .
FROM 54.156.254.*
关键是cpp每一代新标准也是各家吵架吵出来,妥协各方利益的产物,每个委员会都在想方设法往新标准里塞私货,比如game还有low latency的组基本就那几个人把持。
FROM 223.88.151.*
【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: "LOL," was his response. "C++ solves _none_ of the C issues, and only makes things worse. It really is a crap language.
: "For people who don't like C, go to a language that actually offers you something worthwhile. Like languages with memory safety and [which] can avoid some of the dangers of C, or languages that have internal GC [garbage collection] support and make memory management easier.
: "C++ solves all the wrong problems, and anybody who says 'rewrite the kernel in C++' is too ignorant to even know that."
: ...................
FROM 123.112.66.*
【 在 Madlee 的大作中提到: 】
: 嗯,就像盲人摸象,只能“看见”自己摸到的那部分。
: 不过C++确实很烂
FROM 114.255.101.*
LOL," was his response. "Linux solves _none_ of the Unix(Windows) issues, and only makes things worse. It really is a crap OS.
【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: "LOL," was his response. "C++ solves _none_ of the C issues, and only makes things worse. It really is a crap language.
: "For people who don't like C, go to a language that actually offers you something worthwhile. Like languages with memory safety and [which] can avoid some of the dangers of C, or languages that have internal GC [garbage collection] support and make memory management easier.
: "C++ solves all the wrong problems, and anybody who says 'rewrite the kernel in C++' is too ignorant to even know that."
: ...................
FROM 123.116.199.*