To provide a distinct type for UTF-8 character data vs character data with an encoding that is either locale dependent or that requires separate specification.
To enable overloading for ordinary string literals vs UTF-8 string literals (since they may have different encodings).
To ensure an unsigned type for UTF-8 data (whether char is signed or unsigned is implementation defined).
To enable better performance via a non-aliasing type; optimizers can better optimize types that do not alias other types.
1. 没有任何方法可以把一个char的串转化为char8_t的串,除非你一个一个char的赋值一次.
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(u8"text"); // Ok.
reinterpret_cast<const char8_t*>("text"); // Undefined behavior.
2. char8串无法输出到stream.
3. std::format不支持char8串.
于是对于以前const char *的代码:
a). 考虑全用const char *, 这就需要把char8串一律转化为char串,面对的问题:
1. 你不能在constexpr函数中用char8串.
2. 你可能失去printf格式检查,因为你的char8的format格式现在需要一个转换.
3. 你不知道当你强制转换为char串后,接口内部是否仍然用utf8处理了你的串.
b). 考虑全用const char8_t *:
1. 不可能,因为无论如何都会break strict-aliasing.
2. 你可能会调用其他api,他们目前只提供std::string/const char *的接口.
【 在 libgcc 的大作中提到: 】
: 17不是这已经有byte了吗,又弄出一个char8?
FROM 158.140.1.*