Pike: When we first announced Go we called it a systems programming language, and I slightly regret that because a lot of people assumed that meant it was an operating systems writing language. And what we should have called it was a 'server writing language', which is what we really thought of it as. As I said in the talk before and the questions, it's turned out to be more generally useful than that. But know what I understand is that what we have is a cloud infrastructure language because what we used to call servers are now called cloud infrastructure. And so another definition of systems programming is stuff that runs in the cloud.
Alexandrescu: I'm really glad I let Rob speak right now because my first question was 'go introduces itself as a systems programming language' and then that disappeared from the website. What's the deal with that? So he was way ahead of me by preempting that possible question.
【 在 wanllow 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 今天才惊闻,原来STL对容器的迭代器未设越界保护
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Mar 21 11:37:54 2025), 站内
: 是这样吗?那为啥linux内核开始接收rust,却没有go?
: 【 在 hgoldfish 的大作中提到: 】
: : C++ 一直都这样子啊。
: : c++ -> java/c# -> python/php/ruby
: : 业界的主流语言存在这三种生态位。
: : ...................
: --
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