- 主题:IA64 虽然已经被淘汰了
刚下载了一份Meta Llama 3 Instruct 70B Q3_K_M gguf
用你这个问题问了一下这个Llama 3,它是这么回答的:
Although IA-64 (Itanium) has been discontinued, it did have some innovative features that were ahead of its time. Here are a few examples:
1. **Explicit Parallelism Instruction Computing (EPIC)**: IA-64 was designed to exploit parallelism in programs explicitly, which allowed for better performance on multi-threaded workloads. EPIC introduced a novel instruction format that included explicit parallelism information, enabling the compiler and hardware to optimize parallel execution.
2. **Predicated Execution**: IA-64 introduced predicated execution, where instructions could be executed conditionally based on a predicate (a boolean value). This allowed for more efficient execution of conditional code paths and reduced branch misprediction penalties.
3. **Speculative Execution**: The architecture supported speculative execution, which enabled the processor to execute instructions before their dependencies were resolved. This improved performance by reducing stalls and improving instruction-level parallelism.
4. **Register Stack Architecture**: IA-64 used a register stack architecture, where registers were organized as a stack. This allowed for efficient allocation and deallocation of registers, reducing overhead and improving performance.
5. **VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word)**: IA-64 instructions were designed to be very long (up to 128 bits), allowing for more instructions to be packed into a single instruction word. This improved instruction-level parallelism and reduced instruction fetch bandwidth requirements.
Other architectures have borrowed or been inspired by these innovative features:
1. **x86-64**: The x86-64 architecture, used in modern Intel and AMD processors, has incorporated some of the EPIC concepts, such as explicit parallelism and predicated execution.
2. **ARMv8-A**: The ARMv8-A architecture, used in modern ARM processors, has adopted a similar register stack architecture to IA-64.
3. **RISC-V**: RISC-V, an open-source instruction set architecture (ISA), has incorporated some of the EPIC concepts, such as explicit parallelism and predicated execution.
4. **IBM POWER**: The IBM POWER architecture has also borrowed some ideas from IA-64, including the use of a register stack architecture.
While IA-64 ultimately failed to gain significant market traction, its innovative features have had a lasting impact on the development of subsequent architectures.
FROM 171.221.52.*
又用更小的模型,80亿参数的 Meta Llama 3 Instruct 8B Q8_0 gguf问了一遍,这货的回答速度快,在4090上62.51 tok/s
A blast from the past! IA64, also known as Itanium, was a 64-bit instruction set architecture (ISA) developed by Intel and HP in the late 1990s. Although it's no longer widely used today, IA64 has some innovative features that were ahead of its time. Let me highlight a few:
1. **Explicitly parallel instruction set**: IA64 introduced an explicit parallelism model, where instructions could be executed in parallel without requiring software-level synchronization. This was achieved through the use of speculative execution, out-of-order execution, and multiple issue queues.
2. **Register renaming**: IA64 implemented register renaming, which allowed registers to be renamed during compilation, reducing dependencies between instructions and improving instruction-level parallelism (ILP).
3. **Epilogue optimization**: IA64's epilogue optimization reduced the number of instructions required to complete a function call, making it more efficient.
4. **Hardware support for exception handling**: IA64 included specialized hardware components to handle exceptions efficiently, reducing the overhead of exception handling.
Although IA64 is no longer widely used, some other ISAs have borrowed ideas from its design:
1. **ARM's out-of-order execution**: The ARM architecture, popular in mobile devices and embedded systems, was influenced by IA64's out-of-order execution capabilities.
2. **x86-64's register renaming**: Modern x86-64 processors, such as those from Intel and AMD, use register renaming techniques similar to those found in IA64.
3. **PowerPC's parallelism features**: The PowerPC architecture, used in some Apple devices and IBM servers, shares similarities with IA64's parallel instruction set design.
4. **RISC-V's explicit parallelism**: The RISC-V ISA, a modern open-source architecture, includes explicit parallelism features inspired by IA64.
While IA64 may not have achieved widespread adoption, its innovative ideas have influenced the development of other ISAs and continue to shape the evolution of computer architectures.
FROM 171.221.52.*
LM Studio最新版声称支持AMD显卡,不过我没有独显,拿我的gpd win max 2核显本子试了一下,能用。
支持AMD OpenCL。但速度只有1.02 tok/s,模型Llama 3 8B Q6,加载模型占了8个GB多的内存。估计独显表现会好得多吧。
【 在 ZHMZFFL 的大作中提到: 】
: AMD显卡能用吗
FROM 171.221.52.*
AMD Ryzen 76800U with Radeon Graphics 2.70 GHz
【 在 OrderPhoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 下面这张图其实不能说明配置问题,缺乏显卡信息。
FROM 171.221.52.*
而且gpd win max 2这个本子出厂带不带独显,你自己不会去查一下吗?
【 在 OrderPhoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 说的就是,这张图并不能说明该机器没有独显,有独显这里面也不会显示的。
FROM 171.221.52.*
【 在 OrderPhoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 我是在说第二张图里面缺乏硬件配置的信息,你自己知道也好,我们自己去查也好,都已经是超出第二张图所涵盖的范围了。
: 说的是windows不知道怎么想的,windows自己有设备管理器,windows自己是是知道独显的配置信息的,竟然都不展示在这个页面上,又不是windows server这种原理消费市场的东西。脑残的第二张图还不如娱乐大师的硬件总结页面有用。
FROM 171.221.52.*
[by Qwen 1.5 32B]
【 在 OrderPhoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 我是在发感慨说windows的脑残,你非得引到2个使用者之间的争执,还要扣帽子,恐怕该去心理科人是你。
: 你回去仔细看看,我从一开始就说的是“下面这张图”“第二张图”balabala,因为这里毕竟不是写论文而是论坛聊天,对话的时候可能确实不够严谨,但是也从来没“攻讦别人提供的信息不完整”。或许,也是你的大脑或者眼睛该去修理厂修修了。
FROM 171.221.52.*
【 在 OrderPhoenix 的大作中提到: 】
: 那么咱们就来一个一个看下来,到底是谁在挑起事端。
: 这个话题,我一上来说的是“下面这张图其实不能说明配置问题,缺乏显卡信息”,这是一个针对图片的客观描述。这里我的说法有些不严谨,当时是当成论坛闲聊而不是论文,没讲究。
: 之后你回复的是“第二张截图的CPU部分包含了显卡信息,因为是AMD核显。”,这倒也是一个客观描述,没有什么态度问题。
: ...................
FROM 171.221.52.*