A clean operation makes data from store operations performed by the set of c
oherent agents visible to a set of non-coherent agents at a point common to
both sets by performing a write transfer of a copy of a cache block to that
point provided a coherent agent performed a store operation that modified th
e data in the cache block since the previous invalidate, clean, or flush ope
ration on the cache block
A clean operation makes data (from store operation ....) visible to ... at a
point common to both sets. It achieves so by performing a write transfer (o
f ....) to that point, provided/if a coherent agent performed a store operat
ion (which modified data since ........ )
【 在 Xaoyao 的大作中提到: 】
: 吐槽一下,我发现RISC-V的手册写的真的让人无语,可能我英语水平太差了,句子一长都不会断句了,想看看板面大家能看懂下面这句是啥意思嘛?
: A clean operation makes data from store operations performed by the set of coherent agents visible to a set of non-coherent agents at a point common to both sets by performing a write transfer of a copy of a cache block to that point provided a coherent
: agent performed a store operation that modified the data in the cache block since the previous invalidate, clean, or flush operation on the cache block
: ...................