【 在 hrjack 的大作中提到: 】
: 某独角兽外企公司招聘高级/资深android,iOS高级工程师。
: 团队成员大部分来自美团,Uber,Airbnb,苹果,字节跳动等全球知名互联网公司。
: 丰厚的薪水+美股期权
: 地点:北京朝阳
: 邮箱:jxiao@hiringby.com
: 微信:hire-by
: 基本要求:
: 英语熟练,英语熟练,英语熟练。
: 211、985学校本科以上学历,基础扎实,思维敏捷,算法过关。
: Senior Android Engineer
: Requirements:
: A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related technical field
: A solid foundation in computer science with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design
: Programming experience in Java
: Experience in mobile application development.
: Experience in China Android ecosystem.
: Relocation to Beijing, China. This position is based in Beijing.
: Strong spoken and written English skills.
: Exceptional candidates will have:
: 5 years of programming experience in Java
: Considerable programming experience using Android Studio and the Android SDK
: Proficient in the following technologies: Java language and related frameworks, multi-threading and memory management specific to mobile devices, understanding of caching mechanisms
: Experience designing clean and maintainable APIs
: Experience with multithreaded programming
: Experience writing unit tests and testable code
: Senior iOS Engineer
: Requirements:
: A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related technical field
: A solid foundation in computer science with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design
: Some programming experience in Objective-C and Swift
: Relocation to Beijing, China. This position is based in Beijing.
: Strong spoken and written English skills.
: Exceptional candidates will have:
: 5 years of programming experience in either Objective-C or Swift
: Strong technical knowledge of iOS mobile application development for iPhone/iPad using Objective-C/Swift with Cocoa Touch and related frameworks
: Experience designing clean and maintainable APIs
: Experience with multithreaded programming
: Experience writing unit tests and testable code
: Knowledge of iOS SDK performance tools and optimization techniques
: --
发自「今日水木 on iPhone XS Max」
FROM 103.37.140.*