- 主题:[社招]德国电信(T-Systems)北京招聘
1.Software Architecture
Job Description:
o 8+ years of experience in multiple IT disciplines; Operating systems, databases, networking, SQL scripting, hardware and software troubleshooting etc.
o Find the “right” IT solution, definition of scalable architecture , IT system interfaces integration, documentation of IT system infrastructure
o Be responsible for software high level design and low level design.
o Be responsible for architect board meeting.
o Cooperating with Development team to implement the integration design, e.g. UML, interface design, sequence diagram and etc.
o Be responsible for system architect with Cloud based services.
o English communication is required.
o Good analytical skills to understand complex requirements and how to find the “right” system solution
o Definition of scalable architecture, IT system interfaces integration
o Documentation of IT system infrastructure
o Know-how in UML, Web service, cabled IT system, IBM DataPower, Enterprise Architect
o Good design experience with High level design and low level design
o Architect experience with Cloud based service, e.g. HuaWei cloud and Azure cloud.
o Know-how in message queue, database, RDS e.g. HBase, Kafka, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis etc.
o Know-how in Design Patterns like MVC, micro-service
o Know-how in web servers and application servers like Tomcat, Nginx etc.
o Know-how in deployment routines like Hudson Server, ANT and Maven Scripts using release tags build in SVN, Git
o Know-how in several frameworks e.g. Spring, Struts, Java Server Faces, Hibernate, etc.
o Know-how in interface technologies (Restful API, oAuth), certificates verification, Webservices (XML, XSD) etc.
o Definition of security assessment
o Cloud project experience is a plus.
o BigData experience is a plus.
o DevOps or Agile project experience is a plus.
2.Technical PM
Job Description:
o Over 6 years’ experience for Project Management.
o Managing project cost, project planning, risk, resource and etc.
o Cooperating with different stakeholders: customer architect board meeting, customer business owner and cloud partner.
o Leading the DevOps team and team management with development and operation activities.
o Leading complex projects / technical solutions applying project methodology and enforcing standards.
o Clearly define the beginning and end of a project implementation, including a handover phase to operation.
o Setup the monitoring of development KPIs.
o English communication is required.
o PMP certificate is expected.
o Good understanding of the technical part of a project, which could be bigdata project like Hadoop and specific technologies or programming languages like Java, UML, XML / XSD, etc.
o Excellent experience with IT Project Management, including Project Planning, Project Execution and Controlling, Quality management, Risk Management and so on.
o Familiar with IT testing procedures, software versioning, deployment processes related to online projects.
o Familiar with online project development methodology
o Familiar with Bug-Tracking tool (internally and externally) specific for online projects like JIRA and BONFIRE
o Ability to explain complex technical problems to clients and third-parties
o Strong communication skills in both English and Chinese, written & spoken
o Cloud project experience is a plus.
o BigData experience a plus.
o DevOps or Agile project experience is a plus.
FROM 106.37.109.*
【 在 jt29940 的大作中提到: 】
: 以下是HR发出的JD:
: 1.SoftwareArchitecture
: JobDescription:
: o8+yearsofexperienceinmultipleITdisciplines;Operatingsystems,databases,networking,SQLscripting,hardwareandsoftwaretroubleshootingetc.
: oFindthe“right”ITsolution,definitionofscalablearchitecture,ITsysteminterfacesintegration,documentationofITsysteminfrastructure
: oBeresponsibleforsoftwarehighleveldesignandlowleveldesign.
: oBeresponsibleforarchitectboardmeeting.
: oCooperatingwithDevelopmentteamtoimplementtheintegrationdesign,e.g.UML,interfacedesign,sequencediagramandetc.
: oBeresponsibleforsystemarchitectwithCloudbasedservices.
: oEnglishcommunicationisrequired.
: Qualification:
: oGoodanalyticalskillstounderstandcomplexrequirementsandhowtofindthe“right”systemsolution
: oDefinitionofscalablearchitecture,ITsysteminterfacesintegration
: oDocumentationofITsysteminfrastructure
: oKnow-howinUML,Webservice,cabledITsystem,IBMDataPower,EnterpriseArchitect
: oGooddesignexperiencewithHighleveldesignandlowleveldesign
: oArchitectexperiencewithCloudbasedservice,e.g.HuaWeicloudandAzurecloud.
: oKnow-howinmessagequeue,database,RDSe.g.HBase,Kafka,MySQL,PostgreSQL,MongoDB,Redisetc.
: oKnow-howinDesignPatternslikeMVC,micro-service
: oKnow-howinwebserversandapplicationserverslikeTomcat,Nginxetc.
: oKnow-howindeploymentroutineslikeHudsonServer,ANTandMavenScriptsusingreleasetagsbuildinSVN,Git
: oKnow-howinseveralframeworkse.g.Spring,Struts,JavaServerFaces,Hibernate,etc.
: oKnow-howininterfacetechnologies(RestfulAPI,oAuth),certificatesverification,Webservices(XML,XSD)etc.
: oDefinitionofsecurityassessment
: oCloudprojectexperienceisaplus.
: oBigDataexperienceisaplus.
: oDevOpsorAgileprojectexperienceisaplus.
: 2.TechnicalPM
: JobDescription:
: oOver6years’experienceforProjectManagement.
: oManagingprojectcost,projectplanning,risk,resourceandetc.
: oCooperatingwithdifferentstakeholders:customerarchitectboardmeeting,customerbusinessownerandcloudpartner.
: oLeadingtheDevOpsteamandteammanagementwithdevelopmentandoperationactivities.
: oLeadingcomplexprojects/technicalsolutionsapplyingprojectmethodologyandenforcingstandards.
: oClearlydefinethebeginningandendofaprojectimplementation,includingahandoverphasetooperation.
: oSetupthemonitoringofdevelopmentKPIs.
: oEnglishcommunicationisrequired.
: oPMPcertificateisexpected.
: Qualification:
: oGoodunderstandingofthetechnicalpartofaproject,whichcouldbebigdataprojectlikeHadoopandspecifictechnologiesorprogramminglanguageslikeJava,UML,XML/XSD,etc.
: oExcellentexperiencewithITProjectManagement,includingProjectPlanning,ProjectExecutionandControlling,Qualitymanagement,RiskManagementandsoon.
: oFamiliarwithITtestingprocedures,softwareversioning,deploymentprocessesrelatedtoonlineprojects.
: oFamiliarwithonlineprojectdevelopmentmethodology
: oFamiliarwithBug-Trackingtool(internallyandexternally)specificforonlineprojectslikeJIRAandBONFIRE
: oAbilitytoexplaincomplextechnicalproblemstoclientsandthird-parties
: oStrongcommunicationskillsinbothEnglishandChinese,written&spoken
: oCloudprojectexperienceisaplus.
: oBigDataexperienceaplus.
: oDevOpsorAgileprojectexperienceisaplus.
: 为了不浪费简历和保护应聘者隐私,如果有意应聘可以先站内沟通。
FROM 106.121.176.*
【 在 dlmuyangdan 的大作中提到: 】
: 工作地点在哪里呀?
FROM 106.37.109.*