北京研发中心团队主要负责部分欧洲国家,中东海湾国家,以及非洲国家的Disney+业务,以及东南亚和南亚地区国家的Disney+ Hotstar流媒体研发业务, 覆盖40亿目标人群。迪士尼流媒体业务Disney+于2019年11月正式上线,目前已经进入了美国,印度,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,英国和加拿大等国家和区域,还在进一步加速国际化扩展。迪士尼是当之无愧的巨型内容矿山,拥有深不见底的IP库存,为用户提供包括皮克斯(Pixar),漫威(Marvel),福克斯电影(Fox)和库卡斯影业的星球大战(Star Wars)等优质IP内容。上线以来其发展速度远超预期。短短13个月,订阅用户数已高达8600多万,提前实现了原定于2024年的目标;并计划每年推出超过100 部新内容。Disney+获得Google Play 2020年度最佳 Apple TV App,并且迪士尼新的战略将重点放在Disney+上。
作为迪士尼全球流媒体服务的重要组成部分,Disney+ Hotstar目前覆盖 9 种语言,内容总时长超过 15 万小时,凭借对视频技术的钻研和对用户体验的聚焦,海量的优质内容和体育赛事资源,月活跃用户已经突破3亿,日活跃用户最高到达1.2亿。在体育赛事直播上,更是为2530 万用户的同时在线观看和 100 亿的日点击提供了强有力的技术服务支撑,这在 Akamai 在线体育直播史上创下记录,至今无人超越。
团队成员90%以上毕业于清华,北大,浙大,Princeton,Berkeley等国内外顶尖高校。我们的工程师团队致力于视频领域的极限挑战,在全球顶级架构基础上实现自我突破,为用户提供世界级的流媒体体验。我们不断在包括机器学习、推荐系统,超大规模数据处理、视频优化等多个领域的原生突破,以创业激情创造产业未来。如果你寻找一个创新、合作、多彩和国际化视野的平台, 这将是一个你面对挑战,释放激情的地方。
我们提供业界最有竞争力的薪酬,员工薪酬包括基本年薪,签字现金奖励,入职迪士尼股票,年终奖励,年度绩效股票。另外,你还将获得专属于迪士尼员工的额外补贴,包括全球主题乐园无限次数的免费入场资格证, 商品餐饮折扣,度假村和其他迪士尼体验折扣。我们的员工拥有相对自由的工作环境,丰富多彩的团队活动,高标准的假期制度和顶格配置的五险一金,以及完善的将员工子女纳入的团体商业保险计划,追求工作与生活的双赢。
We're looking for a software developer in iOS who has rich experience and good understanding of iOS platform, and excited to design and implement fancy features for our iOS application. As a software developer you’ll be responsible for implementing all kinds of features and improving user experience of our application. If you’re excited about working on some really cool functionalities which can be used by people from different countries, this is likely the team for you.
Software Engineer - iOS
● Design, implement and test new features for our iOS application.
● Work across UI, service layers, and backend technologies to create server-driven native client solutions.
● Write entirely new code and maintain and update existing code, keep improving user experience of our iOS application.
● A strong grasp of computer science fundamentals
● Familiar with Swift and XCode
● Familiar with the core components of iOS applications and their operating mechanisms, such as autolayout, memory management, network, database etc.
● Strong communication and collaboration skills and a strong teamwork ethic
● Excellent written and spoken communication skills in both Chinese and English.
● B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in Computer Science / Electrical Engineering are preferred.
Senior Software Engineer - iOS
● Architect, design, and implement various features for our iOS application.
● Work across UI, service layers, and backend technologies to create server-driven native client solutions.
● Shine with engineering excellence by developing test infrastructures, writing documentation. ensuring high performance, and following an agile development methodology.
● Write entirely new code and maintain and update existing code.
● Research on new frameworks for improving the architecture of iOS applications.
● Guide and help junior engineers.
strong grasp of computer science fundamentals
Experienced in developing iOS applications, familiar with the important components of iOS application and their operating mechanisms, with a preference for experience with shipping applications on App Store
Broad cross-disciplinary development experience, including experience with test-driven development
In-depth knowledge of data-driven application architecture. Experienced in key framework and technology selection for at least one project.
Great communication and collaboration skills and a strong teamwork ethic.
Experience with the following technologies and applications is preferred but not required: RxSwift, MVVM framework, Reactive Native or Flutter
Excellent written and spoken communication skills in both Chinese and English.
有意的欢迎发简历到 xiao.chen@hotstar.com
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