Advent是一家金融软件开发公司,公司于1983年在美国加州旧金山成立,并于1995年在美国纳斯达克上市。主要客户为欧美的基金公司、资产管理公司、投资顾问公司等。无论是为世界各地投资者服务的全球对冲基金,还是管理着几亿美元资产的投资管理公司,Advent成熟的解决方案都能助其提升经营效率、降低风险,控制成本,让其集中精力一展所长。 Advent在全球拥有超过 4,600家客户,在提供关键业务应用软件以满足投资管理需求方面,确立了自己的全球的领先地位。
-合理的工作时间,work-life balance
简历投递格式:应聘者姓名-应聘职位-工作年限, 如李明_Java_5年
Basic Requirements:
- BS Degree or above in Computer Science, software engineering or related major
- English requirement:
1. Basic English Level:
o CET-4 (non-English major basic skills)
2. Spoken English Level:
o Working level Communication
3. Reading + writing English Level:
o Write & Read emails memos and reports. (Business and technical related).
Technical Requirement
- Must have 4 years + working experience in Java EE.
- Must be able and willing to work with complex existing code base.
- Experience in AI technologies (ML, DL, NLP) is a plus.
- Experience with software design (by UML or other formal design tools) is a plus.
- Nice to have experience in Wildfly/Jboss server (any version is fine).
- Strong problem solving and debugging skills
Other requirements:
- Be good at teamwork, pro-active, optimistic, and responsible.
- Be good at trouble shooting.
- Experience in Financial field is a plus
- Experience in Lucene is a plus
- Experience in Antlr is plus
- Experience in workflow engine is plus
Job responsibility:
- Work on Tamale Server related changes.
- Maintain existed products independently, including improving or restructuring the
product code or architecture.
- Develop new features for Global clients.
- Could write or edit shell script.
- Optimize SQL statement in PostgreSQL database.
- Provide technical support for APAC to solve emergent problems in time
- Investigate the client side(C#) for some defects and provide the solution based on both the server side and client side.
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