Boster (boster) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:27:43 2006) 提到:
o0oo ( ) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:29:19 2006) 提到:
我同学直接把手在甲醇里面泡了一小时 只不过肿了而已
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
conductor (我在等你) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:30:11 2006) 提到:
【 在 o0oo ( ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那都是胡扯的
: 我同学直接把手在甲醇里面泡了一小时 只不过肿了而已
conductor (我在等你) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:30:22 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
o0oo ( ) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:31:51 2006) 提到:
估计在里面睡一觉 可能会失明
【 在 conductor (我在等你) 的大作中提到: 】
: 一个小时
Boster (boster) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:37:52 2006) 提到:
【 在 o0oo ( ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那都是胡扯的
: 我同学直接把手在甲醇里面泡了一小时 只不过肿了而已
c2h2c2h2 (飞飞飞扬) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:41:05 2006) 提到:
【 在 o0oo ( ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那都是胡扯的
: 我同学直接把手在甲醇里面泡了一小时 只不过肿了而已
o0oo ( ) 于 (Mon Aug 28 21:50:52 2006) 提到:
【 在 c2h2c2h2 (飞飞飞扬) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果手上有伤口呢?
liuj (镜子☆逃出来了~~) 于 (Tue Aug 29 06:25:32 2006) 提到:
我们这儿甲醇当水用... 难怪我视力越来越差
【 在 c2h2c2h2 (飞飞飞扬) 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果手上有伤口呢?
coyibitle (多次错过,缘分就尽了) 于 (Tue Aug 29 10:22:16 2006) 提到:
【 在 liuj (镜子☆逃出来了~~) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我们这儿甲醇当水用... 难怪我视力越来越差
violethq (violet) 于 (Tue Aug 29 10:41:41 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
coyibitle (多次错过,缘分就尽了) 于 (Tue Aug 29 10:46:33 2006) 提到:
【 在 violethq (violet) 的大作中提到: 】
: 最好在通风橱里,再带个手套吧
: 我用过一个学期做溶剂
: 不知道是不是心理作用,总是感觉眼睛不舒服.....
: ...................
moonback (木头|巴西输了,都是我的错) 于 (Tue Aug 29 12:05:59 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
dickwoo2000 (Eastern Crusader) 于 (Tue Aug 29 13:26:42 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
moonrain (了无牵挂) 于 (Tue Aug 29 14:05:21 2006) 提到:
【 在 dickwoo2000 (Eastern Crusader) 的大作中提到: 】
: 手套、实验服、防毒面具,应该就没事了,不要让皮肤接触就行了
ljlike2000 (困了睡不着) 于 (Tue Aug 29 20:18:12 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
Driftball (大菜) 于 (Wed Aug 30 00:31:10 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
sdfrog (傻蛋青蛙) 于 (Wed Aug 30 07:59:59 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
Aee (Lou selomё adorer~~) 于 (Wed Aug 30 10:21:55 2006) 提到:
【 在 o0oo ( ) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那都是胡扯的
: 我同学直接把手在甲醇里面泡了一小时 只不过肿了而已
Aee (Lou selomё adorer~~) 于 (Wed Aug 30 10:30:03 2006) 提到:
Methanol is significantly less toxic to most experimental animals than humans, because most animal species metabolize methanol differently. Several researchers have demonstrated that monkeys have similar susceptibility to the effects of methanol compared to humans.(1,5) Therefore, this review will provide information for studies using monkeys, wherever possible.
LC50 (rat): 64000 ppm (4-hour exposure) (14, unconfirmed)
LD50 (oral, rat): 5628 mg/kg (14, unconfirmed)
LD50 (oral, 14-day old rat): 5850 mg/kg (cited as 7.4 mL/kg) (15)
LD50 (oral, young adult rat): 10280 mg/kg (cited as 13.0 mL/kg) (15)
LD50 (oral, monkey): 3000 mg/kg (1/1 animal died) (16)
NOTE: An oral LD50 (mouse) of 420 mg/kg has been reported (1), but cannot be confirmed in the original paper (18).
LD50 (dermal, rabbit): 15800 mg/kg (cited as 20 mL/kg) (17 citing unpublished information)
Eye Irritation:
Methanol has produced mild to moderate eye irritation.
In one study, application of 0.1 mL of undiluted methanol caused moderate injury in rabbits (scored up to 5 where 5 is severe injury).(19) In an unpublished study, application of undiluted methanol caused moderate corneal opacity in 3/6 rabbits and redness in the eyes of 6/6 rabbits. A 50 percent solution caused minimal to no effects and a 25 percent solution caused no effects.(17) In another study, application of 100 microlitres of undiluted methanol produced mild eye irritation in rabbits.(20)
Skin Irritation:
There is one unconfirmed report of moderate irritation in rabbits observed following a standard Draize test.(21)
Effects of Short-Term (Acute) Exposure:
Many studies have shown that methanol produces central nervous system (CNS) depression following ingestion and inhalation in several animal species. Observations have included incoordination, respiratory depression, unconsciousness, and death. Non- primate species do not ordinarily show symptoms of metabolic acidosis or the visual effects which have been observed in primates and humans.(1,2)
Monkeys exposed by inhalation to 500, 2000 or 5000 ppm methanol for 4 weeks showed no upper respiratory tract irritation, lung, liver, eye or optic nerve effects.(22) The RD50, the concentration that produces a 50% decrease in the respiratory rate of mice, is 41514 ppm (10 minutes).(23) Exposure to this concentration is expected to produce intolerable eye, nose and throat irritation (sensory irritation) in humans.
Skin Contact:
In a limited study, monkeys were exposed by skin contact to methanol in a way which eliminated inhalation exposure. The lowest lethal dose was 395 mg/kg (cited as 0.5 mL/kg).(24)
Studies using monkeys exposed orally to doses of 3000 mg/kg and greater have shown that, in most cases, the animals initially developed slight CNS depression for 1-2 hours. These symptoms were followed by a period of 8-12 hours where there were no obvious signs of toxicity. Then, progressive deterioration of the animals occurred with vomiting, weakness, coma and death occurring in about 12-33 hours.(25) Eye changes were observed in 2 monkeys orally exposed to lethal doses (3000 or 6000 mg/kg).(16) In other studies, significant eye effects have been produced in monkeys 40-60 hours after oral exposure to 2000 mg/kg and then 500-1000 mg/kg at 12-24 hour intervals.(1) In a study designed to provoke aspiration, aspiration of 0.2 mL methanol resulted in the death of only 1/10 rats. Methanol, like other alcohols, is expected to pose a significant risk of aspiration. In this study, the methanol boiled out of the animals mouth before it could be aspirated.(26)
Effects of Long-Term (Chronic) Exposure:
No significant effects were observed in monkeys exposed by inhalation to 13, 130 or 1300 mg/m3 for 22 hours/day for 29 months.(1, unconfirmed)
Repeated oral exposure of monkeys to 3000-6000 mg/kg from 3-20 weeks resulted in liver cell changes.(17)
Skin Sensitization:
Negative results were obtained in guinea pigs in a modified Magnusson-Kligman maximization test.(1)
Limited animal information suggests that methanol is not carcinogenic. Mice, rats and monkeys were exposed by inhalation to 10-1000 ppm methanol for 20-22 hours/day for 18 and 30 months. No evidence of carcinogenicity was found in either species.(1,2) In a skin carcinogenicity study, methanol was used as the solvent control. Mice were exposed to 25 microlitres of methanol twice weekly for 50 weeks. No evidence of carcinogenicity was observed.(1)
Teratogenicity, Embryotoxicity and/or Fetotoxicity:
Methanol has produced fetotoxicity in rats and teratogenicity in mice exposed by inhalation to high concentrations that did not produce significant maternal toxicity.(14,27)
Mice were exposed by inhalation to 1000, 2000, 5000, 7500, 10000, or 15000 ppm methanol on days 6-15 of pregnancy. No visible signs of maternal toxicity were noted, but 1/30-40 mothers died in each group exposed to 7500 ppm and above. Embryotoxicity (postimplantation mortality) was observed at 7500 ppm and above. Teratogenicity (e.g. cleft palate, exencephaly, skeletal anomalies) was observed at 5000 ppm and above.(27) Rats were exposed by inhalation to 0, 5000, 10000 on days 1-10 or 20000 ppm methanol on days 7-15 of pregnancy. Maternal toxicity (slightly unsteady gait) was observed at 20000 ppm only. Fetotoxicity (reduced fetal weight) was observed at 10000 and 20000 ppm. Teratogenicity was only observed at 20000 ppm.(14) Rats were orally exposed to 2500 mg/kg/day on days 15-17 or 17-19 of pregnancy. There were no signs of maternal toxicity. Behavioural effects (impaired suckling at 24 hours and homing behaviour at 10 days) were observed in the offspring.(28) Rats were orally exposed to 1.3, 2.6, or 5.2 mL/kg of methanol on day 10 of pregnancy. Maternal toxicity (greater than 10% weight loss) was observed at the high dose only. A dose-related increase in total anomalies (undescended testes and eye) was observed (0.6% (control group), 4.8% (1.3 mL/kg), 6.7% (2.6 mL/kg) and 17.3% (5.2 mL/kg)).(29) Statistical evaluation of the data was not reported.
Reproductive Toxicity:
No conclusions can be drawn based on the available information.
No effects on reproductive performance were reported in a two- generation reproductive study. Rats were administered 10-1000 ppm by inhalation for 18-20 hours/day.(1) Some studies suggest that inhalation of methanol may affect certain hormones (e.g. testosterone and lutenizing hormone) in male rats. The results have not been consistent or dose-related.(1,2,5)
There is insufficient information available to conclude that methanol is mutagenic.
Oral administration of 1000 mg/kg increased the incidence of chromosomal aberrations, as well as the incidence of micronuclei in red blood cells in mice.(30) This study is reported in an abstract and there are not enough details available to draw firm conclusions. Negative results were obtained in other studies where live mice or rats were exposed orally or by inhalation.(1,2)
Negative results have been obtained in most tests involving cultured mammalian cells.(1,2) A high concentration (7.9 mg/mL) produced positive results in mouse lymphoma cells, in the presence of metabolic activation.(1,2) Negative results have been obtained in tests using bacteria, with or without metabolic activation.(1,2) Inconclusive results were obtained in one strain of bacteria, in the presence of metabolic activation.(2)
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧
kevinspy (C'est incroyable) 于 (Fri Sep 1 16:33:50 2006) 提到:
【 在 Boster (boster) 的大作中提到: 】
: google到甲醇会从皮肤渗入而致失明,有点担心
: 少量接触不会有事吧