帮友人代发,有兴趣的请直接联系 Chunlong.Chen@pnnl.gov
http://pnnl.jobs/richland-wa/post-doctorate-ra-synthesis-and-self-assembly-materials-chemistry/46531431/job/研究领域:Biomimetic polymer synthesis and assembly
Develop highly stable polymers to mimic the ability of proteins to assemble into oligomeric complexes and extended ordered matrices. The polymer architectures developed in this project will support both fundamental studies to understand pathways to assembly and self-organization, and also support the development of functional polymers for clear energy applications, such as biomimetic membranes for CO2 and water separations.
1) 有多肽合成及自组装经验者优先,有一定的原子力显微镜和透射电镜背景,尤其是用AFM和TEM研究soft matters, 以及用fluorescence microscope for screening self-assembly of macromolecules (e.g. peptides, proteins, DNAs et.)
2) Record of excellence in research 有很好的第一作者publication背景,尤其是在研究macromolecular systems.
3) Demonstrated capability to think and act independently
4) Excellent written and oral communication skills
5) Strong analytical skills and ability to collaborate, 有指导过本科或研究生经验,以及其他合作经验者优先
Some instruments available in our lab: Aapptec APEX-SC 396 automated solid-phase synthesizer; Waters SQD2 UPLC-MS system; Waters Breeze 2 semi-prep HPLC system; plate reader; UV-vis; fluorescence microscope; AFM-based Dynamic Force Spectroscopy (DFS); High-speed AFM for 10 frame-per-second imaging; MTMDT combined confocal-AFM microscope; In situ AFM and TEM imaging; Single-crystal X-ray diffractometer.
Responsibilities will also include, attendance at weekly meetings, presentation of results in both oral and written form, travel to conferences, and working as a pat of a team. The Project addresses mission goals for the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences.
有兴趣者请发简历到Chunlong.Chen@pnnl.gov, 并注明博士后申请。具体薪资我不确定(我只是帮友人转发,不过听说应该会有US$ >50K),具体的情况还请邮件垂询
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