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发信人: timemx (爱自己), 信区: CC
标 题: 中科院微生物所车教授招博士
发信站: 我爱南开站 (2004年12月15日08:37:35 星期三), 站内信件
Positions (2) for Ph.D. Students in Natural Products Chemistry
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC (
Please visit web site www.im.ac.cn for details)
Examinations: English
Natural Products Chemistry
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Yongsheng Che
Research interests: Isolation and structure elucidation of new bioacti
ve natural products from fungal and other sources; HTS of potential dr
ug candidates from various sources; HPLC/MS and NMR methodology and ap
plications; chemical biology.
Dr. Che's Brief Bio Sketch:
BS, Polymer Chemistry, Nankai University
MS, Organic Chemistry, Clarkson University
Ph.D. Natural Products Chemistry (with J. B. Gloer), University of Iow
Senior Research Scientist (3/00-8/02), OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Senior Research Scientist & Project Leader (9/02-present), Givaudan Co
Professor (100 Talents Program, 11/02-), Institute of Microbiology, CA
Recent Publications:
1. Pseudodestruxins A and B: New Cyclic Depsipeptides from the Coprop
hilous Fungus Nigrosabulum globosum, Y. Che, Dale C. Swenson, J. B. Gl
oer, B. Koster, D. Malloch. J. Nat. Prod. 2001, 64, 555-558.
2. Phomadecalins A-D and Phomapentanone A: New Bioactive Metabolites
from Phoma sp. NRRL 25697, a Fungal Colonist of Hypoxylon Stromata, Y.
Che, J. B. Gloer, D. T. Wicklow. J. Nat. Prod. 2002, 65, 399-402.
3. Decipienin A and Decipienolides A-B: New Bioactive Metabolite from
the Coprophilous Fungus Podopsora decipiens, Y. Che, J. B. Gloer, B.
Koster, D. Malloch. J. Nat. Prod. 2002, 65, 916-919.
4. Communiols A-D: New Mono- and Bis-Tetrahydrofuran Derivatives from
the Coprophilous Fungus Podospora communis, Y. Che, J. B. Gloer, J. A
. Scott, D. Malloch. Tetrahedron Lett. 2004, 45, 6891-6894.
5. Curvicollides A-C: New Polyketide-Derived Lactones from a Scleroti
um-Colonizing Isolate of Podospora curvicolla (NRRL 25778), Y. Che, J.
B. Gloer, D. T. Wicklow. Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 1249-1252.