1. Run the installer using a serial below. Type anything for License Key. [G63S4-2478-7777777] standard (yuck - missing code generation) G63S4-9490-7777777 enterprise (any dif. with pro?) --> G63S4-9489-7777777 PRO (i think this is
the one you want) G63S4-3490-7777777 enterprise server (pointless) G63S4-3489-7777777 pro server (pointless)2. After instalation, run eatop702crk.exe to crack the origin 7 program.3. When you start the program for the first time, you
will be asked to register. Select the option "I am already registered" and type in something fun as your registration id (the cracked version will accept whatever you type as a valid registration). This step makes the program believe you
are a real registered user which is required to unpack pro opk modules.//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERIAL NUMBER
SCHEME//---------------------------------------------------------------------------Microcal Origin Serial Number [11111-2222-3333333] 11111 language 2222 product edition 3333333 users
serial//---------------------------------------------------------------------------Languages: G63S4 english G63S5 english F23H4 english (invalid) F23H5 english (invalid) L69I6 japanese (disabled) K03U4 japanese (disabled) N69S6 japanese
M13H6(DISABLED) japanese (invalid) S68T5 german (dont work) R14G5 german (invalid) D62W8 chinese (dont work) M62D3 englishNOTE: only english works with this current version of the crack. i do not believe the other languages are actually
availaith this cd. sorry.//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------------------Product editions:(unverified) 9865 enterprise (generic?) (broken?)
978 (diabled) (standard?) 9389 (disabled) 9490 enterprise (same as pro??) [this installs same files as pro version; i dont know any difference] 9478 pro (standard?) 9489 pro (generic?) 9058 (disabled) 6058 (reject) (update student?) 6865
(rej 6478 pro 6489 pro (upgrade pro?) 3490 enterprise edition server 3489 pro server [only dif in installed files between pro and pro server is "Client Setup" directory] 3478 pro server 2058 (disabled) (network student?) 2865 (reject)
2478 in "standard" (plain) [this may be for network client; its missing the big ATI directory for code building, and has a client setup director). 2489 standard server 2387 (disabled) 2058 (disabled)NOTE: i dont know what the difs. are for dif
nuers with same labels. the server edition seems to work but i dont know how to use it :).//---------------------------------------------------------------------------//---------------------------------------------------------------------------Users
Ser: 7000000<=x<=7999999 exapmle: 7777777//---------------------------------------------------------------------------
【 在 PallasTon (In God ,We Trust!) 的大作中提到: 】: 【 以下文字转载自 CC 讨论区 】: 发信人: PallasTon (In
God ,We Trust!), 信区: CC : 标 题: 谁给个orgin7的序列号吧: 发信站: 我爱南开站 (2004 年12月25日15:26:26 星期六), 站内信件: rt