【 以下文字转载自 Science 讨论区 】
发信人: starmetal (MS-DOS方式), 信区: Science
标 题: A Science paper by Wang Zhonglin's group
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Sep 12 00:39:42 2005), 站内
发信人: starmetal (MS-DOS方式), 信区: NanoST
标 题: A Science paper by Wang Zhonglin's group
发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Sep 12 00:38:35 2005), 转信
A previously-unknown ZnO nanostructure that resembles the helical
configuration of DNA could provide engineers with a new building block for
creating nanometer-scale sensors, transducers, resonators and other devices
that rely on electromechanical coupling.
See the following for more detail:
nanobelt, nanobow, nanoring, nanohelices...人家发Science怎么就跟灌水一样容易
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