Ethylene glycol M 62.1, b 6 8o/4mm, 1 9 7 . 9o/760mm, d 4
20 1.0986, n15 1 . 4 3 3 1 2 ,
n25 1.43056, pK2 5 10.6. It is very hygroscopic, and also likely to contain higher diols. Dry it with CaO,
CaSO4, MgSO4 or NaOH and distil it under vacuum. Dry further by reaction with sodium under nitrogen, reflux
for several hours and distil. The distillate is then passed through a column of Linde type 4A molecular sieves
and finally distil under nitrogen, from more molecular sieves. Then fractionally distil it.
Purification of_Laboratory Chemicals。
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: 结果发现乙二醇中含水量更多了,怎么回事呢
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