Write a fictional interview:
Reporter = R
Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Bevern (Frederick II’s wife) = E
Francis Stephen of Lorraine (Maria Theresa of Austria’s husband) = F
R - Good afternoon Sire Francis Stephen and Ma’am Elisabeth Christine. I’m Phillip Hatt, a nobleman from England and was wishing you would have the pleasure to share an afternoon tea with me?
E - It sure is my pleasure and I would love to hear some news from a young English nobleman like you.
F - Make this quick. I’ve got business to discuss later on regarding financial affairs and I’m sure your country wouldn’t want to hear about that.
R - Sorry to drag you, Sir Stephen, but I’m pleased to inform you that we won’t come close to discussing personal affairs today. But staying on the topic of affairs, I’m sure all of our countries had gazed in awe at your everlasting marriage with the glorious Maria Theresa.
F - In a matter of fact, I would have to say it was indeed a good choice to take her hand in marriage. At first I was quite doubtful since that meant the possibility of losing Lorraine, but on the other hand, there are very few women who would’ve given me such power to this extent.
E - Excuse me, sorry to bother but just to inform you in advance, I have nothing to share on my behalf surrounding successful marriages and on the idea of “love.”
F - Well, I can promise you Elisabeth, that we’ve all heard about the prominent wealth of your Prussian king. There definitely isn’t any necessity to touch on that.
E- We’re not on a first name basis. You’re unauthorized to call me that, not until your mess of a queen settles down to control her already vast kingdom from showing any further signs of a revenge campaign.
F - Please don’t tell me you are still in fear of that. Only an idiot would be planning yet another campaign that might lead us down more wars, rather than focusing on the country's better reforms. My wife is nowhere near as empty-headed as that.
R - Hold your horses, Sire and Ma’am. How about lets take a few sips of tea before continuing on? I’m delighted to be sharing with you our highly exotic green tea with a tint of alcohol. A cup like this offers you the taste of wealth from England and not many get this opportunity.
*Everyone drinks tea*
E - It does indeed taste great. Greater even than probably King Frederick’s beers.
F - The taste is quite bland, however thank you for this opportunity. The alcohol will prepare me for my discussion later on.
R - Now let's get back to where we left off. So coming from two huge, dominating powers in the economics field today, what are your thoughts on your partners’ success in ruling Austria and Prussia? Are there any feelings of jealousy or resentment that still hasn’t been settled?
F - Well I-
E - That’s a great question Sire Hatt. I would love to share some of my opinions that I haven’t had the chance to write about in the press.
On a daily basis, my husband’s interests have never matched with my own and I won’t go into too much detail regarding our marriage for certain reasons either. But I’m sure you must have heard at least one of his heroic stories on the battlefield. Am I right?
F - I do not consent to speaking greatly of Frederick II. He was reckless and cruel on the battlefield and brought much distress to our country. But needless to say, my wife handled the situation fairly well. Something a woman hasn’t had the chance to achieve before.
R - It is indeed interesting how both of your countries handled the aftermath of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War, but Ma’am Christine, please continue to state your point. And yes, I have indeed heard of Frederick II’s success on the battlefield, although siding with Sir Stephen here, I’m doubtful to believe that it was all done to further improve the public of all parties, especially with such a high number of casualties.
E - I’m afraid you have misunderstood. In reality, I despised Frederick II, starting off with the first night of our marriage, in which he only spent one single hour at my side. However, to the public, our distant marriage didn’t have much acknowledgement which also allowed me to work on separate projects of my own even after the wars.
E - I’m sorry on my behalf to have misunderstood you, Ma’am Christine, after you pointed out Frederick II’s heroism. I would love to hear more about your personal projects done during and after the war later on. Now turning to Sire Stephen, how did you and your wife handle the situation in Austria, especially since your country was hit with so much disaster?
F - Post-war in my opinion actually gave my wife and I the best opportunity to show our strengths and power. Especially Maria Theresa, who I have to confess was a way better reformer than many, many others. Including me. Her way of prioritizing our economic values and making sure to keep the money in our country helped us the most in the days post-war.
Although there always are occasional flaws in the system, one I would say is the introduction of the economic system of mercantilism, which I find quite unnecessary.
Having said my thoughts, I feel extremely flattered to have attracted the first woman on the Habsburg throne and have the ability to depend on her.
R - That was a lot of new insights I’ve heard today! Nevertheless, what I could also grasp from this conversation of ours, was that the relationships between our countries could still do with further improvement.
E - Absolutely. Even though my husband abandoned me early on, leaving me drowning in riches, I still feel the urge that I should lend a helping hand in the political aspect of Prussia to gain better alliances, like how Sir Stephen is currently doing.
F - My work, although not as flattering as Maria Theresa’s is, still bears importance. It is in my best interest to further improve the relationship between our countries like Sire Hatt mentioned and I also wish you, Ma’am Christine well for the days to come. Being a woman at court isn’t easy!
R - And with that, I think we have all shared our goodbyes with one another and let’s hope that peace between our countries will allow for more welfare and prosperity! All the best for the both of you! ds
【 在 gemini 的大作中提到: 】
: 已经一百页了,英文三万多字,她说差不多三分之一了,一共十万字左右。
: 要过来搂了一眼,貌似还有点小悬疑的味道,我是看了第一页有点往下看的愿望。
: For the randoms in the Youtube comments who started their books when they were 12. And for my family who
: ...................

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