【 在 jlsthsdqyx 的大作中提到: 】
: 女娃3岁8个月,孩子每晚洗漱都玩闹一会儿。头天晚上洗漱时,孩子顺嘴说了句不喜欢姥姥。结果晚上和今天早上姥姥把孩子说了,内容不详细。早上姥姥做饭,孩子不让大人进屋,自己躺在床上流眼泪。
: 不知道怎么和老人,也怎么和孩子沟通,孩子还是要找老人。
: 觉得这种教育有问题,诛心教育!!!最好是我想多了。
: --
: It is my will that when I die, don't bury me, don't bury me.
: You cut my dick in alcohol, and call my wife and give it to her.
: And when she cry, let her cry. When she roll let her rock.
: And what the fuck she thinks she is. She fucking around with my GI dick.
: Another man will counsel her. Another man will comfort her.
: Take my rifle and my bonnet. Call my son and give it to him.
发自「今日水木 on iOS」
FROM 123.120.228.*