【 在 hitgirl 的大作中提到: 】
: 西城店是我们班原来的中教devis在运营,我转到oe来后发现我家娃有一些魔法石娃的共性问题,外教给的评价是:
: Elsa has problems with her pronunciation, especially with vowels “a” and “i”. She needs to read slowly and clearly, she rushes through when she reads, what she says doesn’t sound clear. She needs to pay attention to the -s at the end of words, she almost never says it, this is very important. She needs to improve her vocabulary, she knows some complicated words but she doesn’t know some simple ones. She has strong comprehension skills, she answered all my questions about the texts correctly. She was honest about what she didn’t know. She needs to talk more and answer in sentences, she was hesitant to express herself, she used sentences only a handful of times.
FROM 223.104.3.*