Oh man, u think like this.
What u think is supporting what I said before.
U should learn English and Western culture together. U trap urself in Chinese mindset, including being afraid of losing face and making a mistake. Can u see the cultural differences and ur stupidity here?
Ppl like u r making a cage to lock urself in. English can help u out. Remember to learn the culture and Western values too.
Anyway, I’m tired of babying u. Hope u could outgrow ur past by urself
【 在 RichardZeus 的大作中提到: 】
: 这么努力还学不好的唯一解释,就是学习态度不对。
: 比如我吧,如果犯错被人当场指出,谈不上虚心接受吧,但起码的反应应该是脸红,遮羞,下不为例。
: 而有的人的反应却是,无所谓,细枝末节,是你们太矫情,可以接受,反正老外能看懂...
: ...................
FROM 114.246.96.*