【 在 seahawk 的大作中提到: 】
: 娃的试卷,总觉得老师判的不对,看看大家的意见。
: A little boy, Tommy, is walking home by moonlight. He feels a little boy is coming behind him. The boy stops a minute to listen, looks here and there, and then he says to himself:"Tommy, run quickly!" He runs quickly and gets to Mr. Green's garden. He still feels a boy is running after him. Tommy runs home quickly. He goes in and closes the door. He turns on the light. He looks out of the window and he does not see anybody. But he knows that the little boy always comes back after him when he goes out in the evening by moonlight. Can you guess what it is? It's a shadow.
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- 来自「最水木 for iPhone X」
FROM 210.73.7.*