One can say, with only a slight exaggeration, that the launching of the Soviet Sputnik in 1957 also launched the New Math movement of the sixties.(Cf. Chapter 14 of [HI], [RA], or pp.172-175 of [BO] for a brief history.) The New Math was masterminded by mathematicians and, as is well-known, its over-emphasis on sets, abstractions and rigid formalism (“Write the numeral that names the number solving 3x-7 = 8.”) and its concomitant failure to adequately prepare the teachers for the abrupt shift in content knowledge eventually led to its demise. The pendulum then swung all the way to the mindless drills and algorithms of the Back to Basics movement in the mathematics education of the seventies. By the end of the seventies, deterioration of the schools became too obvious to ignore when catchy phrases such as“Why Johnny can’t read” or “Why Johnny can’t write” had become part of Americana.
【 在 tigereatmeat 的大作中提到: 】
: 跟美国的数学战争很像啊
FROM 123.58.117.*