If your child is challenged by one of the following, you may want to consult an occupational therapist:
Unable to concentrate and focus at school.
Easily distracted.
Difficulty following instructions and completing work.
Tires easily with school work.
Poor impulse control.
Hyperactivity or low energy.
【 在 xiaohuyou 的大作中提到: 】
: 经常别人跟他说个话他完全没反应或者听一半。
: 比如他在不知道想啥或者穿衣服或者干任何事情,你跟他说句话,他没有任何表示,吼一句才有反应。
: 比如他洗完澡,你跟他说脸上泡泡没冲干净,他去冲后背。。。
: ...................
FROM 76.22.13.*