月份的话 简言之就是没有规律
最开始只有10个月,现在的九月其实是七月,十月是八月,以此类推。比如october 跟八爪鱼octopus是同一个词根。后来一月和二月加进来 别的月往后挪,变成了october是十月这种奇怪的事情。另外还有一些月份就是按照啥啥神啥啥节啥啥大帝来命名的,轮到啥算啥,没地方讲理。
Today, we follow the Gregorian calendar, but it’s based on the ancient Roman calendar, believed to be invented by Romulus, who served as the first king of Rome around 753 BC.
The Roman calendar, a complicated lunar calendar, had 12 months like our current calendar, but only 10 of the months had formal names. Basically, winter was a “dead” period of time when the government and military wasn’t active, so they only had names for the time period we think of as March through December.
March (Martius) was named for Mars, the god of war, because this was the month when active military campaigns resumed. May (Maius) and June (Junius) were also named for goddesses: Maia and Juno. April (Aprilis) is thought to stem from Latin aperio, meaning “to open”—a reference to the opening buds of springtime. The rest of the months were simply numbered; their original names in Latin meant the fifth (Quintilis), sixth (Sextilis), seventh (September), eighth (October), ninth (November), and tenth (December) month.
Eventually, January (Januarius) and February (Februarius) were added to the end of the year, giving all 12 months proper names. January was named after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, while February’s name is believed to stem from Februa, an ancient festival dedicated to ritual springtime cleaning and washing.
【 在 billzt (billzt) 的大作中提到: 】
: 周日和周一好记,一个是太阳Sun,一个是月亮Moon
: 周六也还行,是土星Saturn
FROM 221.219.125.*